Coordination in Belgium

According to the local groups wiki entry for BNL, Mauricio Nascimento is coordinator for Belgium. However, this person never responded to various emails over the last couple of years. I also mentioned this to various FSFE people without an answer.

What is the situation in Belgium then, in 2019?

Hello hellekin,

I know him but haven’t seen any activity for quite some years. It looks to me that the activities in Belgium came to a halt, but I can’t tell for sure. Have you tried contacting Erik?

This is concerning. Have you mentioned it in conversations and they forgot to get back to you or did you reach out to the official contact@ email address?

Yes, he’s not active in Belgium any more. However, after FOSDEM a new volunteer called Robin stepped up and wanted to establish a new group and contacted all FSFE supporters in the area. Did you receive his email?

This situation stalled. I’ll be in Brussels in January to organize next OFFDEM – a physical event, not online. You’re super welcome to participate. I guess I’ll have a chat with and eDRI about it.

It’s more than time to reactivate free software at EU level since we gained experience with NGI Zero and POINTER.