Save time and minimise licensing headaches with REUSE

REUSE helps make a project’s licensing and copyright status more transparent, ensure that third-party code is properly attributed, and make it easily reusable by other developers. This tool is currently used worldwide and its specification has been adopted by several corporate and institutional projects. We spoke to Matija Šuklje of Liferay International, one of the companies that has adopted this tool.


Dear nice people at FSFE, :heart_hands:

Thank you for this valuable tool, and for this article. It got me motivated enough, finally, to make the first in the line of my Free Software projects (pyclean) compliant by adding license and copyright notices to all its source files. :heart:

I found Matija Šuklje’s explanation of the importance of the copyright notice, and which year to use in it, most helpful, an article linked to in the REUSE project FAQs. Consequently, I used my project’s Git history to make every individual file’s copyright year correspond to the creation date of the very file. :balance_scale:

Thank you for spreading the values of Free Software and make the world a better place! :earth_africa: