FSFE slide template

I was wondering what the current state of the FSFE slide template is. It seems that people use different templates, or designs which could possibly be improved. :slight_smile:

@mk @max.mehl @bjoern and others, where are the current / latest slides, or templates?

Here’s my feedback already in writing (noted down during Patrick’s presentation at the GA):

  • Background should be full white instead of old Plussy pattern
  • On first page, maybe some illustration/graphic/photo
    • If a photo, then it could be full-page and the FSFE logo in white centered
  • Typeface for the presentations should be adjusted. Ones which look similar to the logo are Quicksand, Nunito or Dosis. (Varela Round is also good, but comes only in Regular weight.)
    • Is any of these maybe the logo typeface?
    • In any case we should not use something nerdy like a monospace or something like Arial / Verdana / Liberation Sans etc.
    • For text Regular, for highlights and headings either Semibold or Bold (but we pick and choose only one).
  • For sections we should use icons related to the section – possibly from The Noun Project – rather than repeating the FSFE logo.
  • For bullet points we should use simple round points, not grey squares.
  • If there is a full-screen image used, the FSFE logo should be in a corner (we should decide on one) in monochrome white. Directly on the image. (Not in colored on a white small background.)
  • What’s always nice as a dash of color is a bar at the top of every slide with the FSFE colors – just a few pixels high, directly at the edge.

If we have the slide templates somewhere I can make the adjustments. :slight_smile:

Hi @jan,

thanks for the suggestions! I agree that the template is by far not perfect. I also made some adjustments for presentations but obviously lack your design skills: https://download.fsfe.org/presentations/20180607-mm-OW2Con-PMPC.en.pdf

The plain template is accessible here: https://git.fsfe.org/FSFE/ci-templates

Hello @jan,

Thank you very much for helping to improve the visualisation of our presentations.

You know from the talks we had that I am not a big fan of the 2017 templates, as I am using a lot of pictures and large text in my talks. As you asked before, I have now uploaded also an odt version of the presentations you will find from myself on the download server.

If you have some time to also improve such a simple style, I would also highly appreciate this.

Thank you very much!

Same here, the 2017 template is way to heavy for my taste. I prefer simple and light slides. For example you can download here my latest presentation https://gitlab.com/BeS/presentations/blob/master/FreeSoftware/2018-htw-dresden/freie-software-einfĂĽhrung.odp and here the current version of my template: https://gitlab.com/BeS/presentations/blob/master/FreeSoftware/template.otp

I like this idea a lot. This is something I would most likely add to my slides. :slight_smile:

@bjoern Nice template!

Hi all, for my presentation during the GA I used the slides from the REUSE.software project website as template:


Was the easiest way for me to get to a template :wink:

Hello @jan any update on new presentation templates?

I looked through this again and have some questions:

  • Except @bjoern’s template, all of the source files are odp – presentation document files. It should be an otp, a template file, right?
  • For the logo on full-page images like on @mk’s slides I would use the new sticker design with white outline. Where is that file saved? (Don’t have it myself anymore.)
  • The website uses Roboto as typeface, I’ll use that too?

As a base I would take the design @max.mehl posted (the Reuse one posted by @ohnewein is the same as far as I can see) since it has most different page layouts. I’ll incorporate the general design direction of @bjoern’s with full-page plain background, and less elements as well as @mk’s full-page images. What do you think?

Hi Jan,

thanks for following up on this!

~ Jan-Christoph Borchardt via FSFE Community [2019-02-08 14:21 +0100]:

I looked through this again and have some questions:

  • Except @bjoern’s template, all of the source files are odp – presentation document files. It should be an otp, a template file, right?

Yes, that probably makes most sense.

  • For the logo on full-page images like on @mk’s slides I would use the new sticker design with white outline. Where is that file saved? (Don’t have it myself anymore.)

Sure, here it is: Index of /advocacy/promomaterial/FSFE/FSFElogo

  • The website uses Roboto as typeface, I’ll use that too?

Sounds good to me.

As a base I would take the design @max.mehl posted (the Reuse one posted by @ohnewein is the same as far as I can see) since it has most different page layouts. I’ll incorporate the general design direction of @bjoern’s with full-page plain background, and less elements as well as @mk’s full-page images. What do you think?

Sounds good to me. I would love to have some variety, so a mix of
full-page images, but also the 3 or 4 elements on a slide to visualise a
process for example.


One other comment: it would be really good to have one first page for all presentations, and the last page for all talks which also mentions how to donate to the FSFE.

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@mk good point! What should be the content regarding how to donate – simply a link to fsfe.org/donate?

We should make the barrier low. So for talks a one-time donation:
https://my.fsfe.org/donate Then maybe a good background image… or layout… maybe one donor quote we want to use at the moment: e.g. have a look at the last slide on http://download.fsfe.org/presentations/20181116-mk-sfscon-democracy.en.pdf

Is there any update here @jan ?

Sorry, no update yet. It’s mostly a mental block at the moment because it’s so many different templates or versions which exist. What would really help me:

  • We decide on 1 to start out with. Doesn’t really matter which one
  • I work together with another person (or 2) who actually does presentations and will use the template. That way we can directly see if it makes sense.
  • Best in person, so we could do it in the Berlin office whenever there’s time.
  • Should be done in a few hours depending on how many different slide variants we need, and then we can send it to the others who do slides for review, with another review&design session if needed.

Does that work? I’m out of Berlin until end of July but after that I’m available. :)

@jan I would be very interested in that to improve the presentation templates. I could be one of the people. Do you think the other person would have to be involved for several hours, or is it more that you would be involved for that time, and need someone who is close by to give feedback again?

@jan I held 2 presentations at SHA 2017 and came up with my own Master Slides in LibreOffice Impress. I’ve stripped the content, cleaned it up a bit and uploaded it on my personal website:http://nicorikken.eu/uploads/fsfe-template.otp I hope this is a good starting point or example for you.

Looking at more modern corporation templates, a more lightweight font and a 16:9 would bring it more up-to-date. So feel free to edit it to your liking.

So @mk and I sat together a bit and worked on the slides. We used @bjoern’s nice design as a basis and picked slides from several other people which we reworked a bit.

  • We also used Roboto everywhere as we do on the website. Only regular and bold, no italic.
  • For full-screen images we put the sticker-like FSFE logo with the white border in the bottom right
  • We do not use the grey plussy background at all anymore
  • The logo is never duplicated on slides, and we don’t use the “stars” icon standalone in the top left as it was done sometimes.

As we both had a bunch of issues getting master slides to work, this for now is mostly created as regular slides. Maybe @bjoern @max.mehl we should sit together at some point to master-ify it? :slight_smile:


What do you think?


Great works, this slides look really nice! I also like the example slides… Many nice stuff I will definitely reuse :slight_smile:


it looks very good, thank you!

Just one minor remark: It would be cool to have the whole domain on our slides as well, especially for the first and last one it would be good to have fsfe.org on the slides in a catchy looking way :slight_smile: